Syphilis Interventions Towards Elimination (SITE) is a dynamic transmission model to evaluate and project the impact and cost of syphilis interventions (screening, treatment and prevention) and national control programs.
SITE is provided as an add-on package of R, version 4.0 or higher. The programme reads parameter input values from an Excel file, and outputs are exported to Excel.
There are three key files for running SITE:
To help summarize, analyze and graph projection results, users can use an Excel interface:
Instructions on how to install and run SITE can be found in:
In addition, a series of guides have been developed on how to prepare a country input file and interpret results:
More technical information on SITE can be found in:
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Eline Korenromp, Avenir Health,
SITE was developed with financial support from the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters (Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research/Human Reproduction Programme and Department of Global Programmes of HIV, Hepatitis and STI), the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (Division of Programmes for Disease Control), the Pan-American Health Organization (Department of Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health), and a cooperative agreement from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
View Manuals
Detailed instructions on how to use the software. Also includes sections on data sources, interpreting and using the results, and a description of the methodology.